PRO-VE'2024 Conference - Collaborative networks for innovation & transition towards 5.0 Organization


The special session "Needs, Opportunities and Practices of collaborative networks for innovation & transition towards 5.0 Organizations" will be organised as part of the 25th IFIP/SOCOLNET Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises Conference PRO-VE'2024 Navigating Unpredictability: Collaborative Networks in Non-linear Worlds.

The objective of this special session, is to make the link between the innovation and competence requirements for the transition towards 5.0 organizations and the needs, opportunities and practices of collaborative networks consisting of various types of socio-economic  actors.

Topics/ Keywords

  • Collaborative networks for 5.0 transition towards human-centricity, sustainability and resilience of 5.0 organizations
  • Collaboration needs, opportunities and practice for innovation of 5.0 organizations
  • Collaboration to support 5.0 skills and competence developments
  • Collaborative management of 5.0 organizations
  • Collaborative strategies of 5.0 organizations
  • 5.0 innovation development in collaborative networks
  • Collaborative innovation in specific sectors like industry, health or agri-food and others
  • Collaborative decision-making processes in industry, health or agri-food supply chains
  • Hybrid human-machine environments to optimize industry, healthcare or agri-food processes
  • Collaborative networks in health with hospitals, labs, and medical institutions
  • Collaborative networks in education fostering the transition from 4.0 to 5.0 in various sectors like industry, health and agri-technology

Session Organizers

  • Prof. Arkadiusz Jurczuk, Bialystok University of Technology, a.jurczuk[at]
  • Prof. Thomas Süße, Bielefeld University of Applied Science, thomas.suesse[at]
  • Prof. Adrian Florea, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, adrian.florea[at]
  • Prof. Fabiana Pirola, University of Bergamo, fabiana.pirola[at]

Details: PRO-VE'2024

All previous editions of Conference Proceedings are published by Springer, IFIP AICT series and are indexed Scopus, Web of Science, DBLP databases.

Special Session Sponsored by CoDEMO Eu Project
Erasmus+ Call 2022: Alliances for Innovation